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Extend the Life of Your Fleet With Painting and Sandblasting by Jarrett Fleet Services

Posted by Jarrett on Sep 9, 2020 2:45:00 PM


Right now, possibly more than ever, people are scrutinizing and evaluating ways for their products to last longer and be used more effectively. Consumers are putting off large purchases and are looking at ways to refurbish and refresh the old into “new”. Fleet services are no exception, as fleet business owners and managers around the country are determining ways to maintain and preserve the conditions of their trucks and trailers. 


Two ways to prolong fleet lifespans are through proper semi-truck sandblasting, which removes rust and corrosion, and semi-truck painting, which prevents future deterioration. Rather than having to buy new, these two techniques will add years to the lifespan of your inventory, saving you time and money while ensuring your vehicles are safe. Additionally, it aids in DOT compliance and passing truck inspections. 


Jarrett Fleet Services can sandblast virtually any steel equipment you have. When equipment is sandblasted, grains of sand are pushed through the sandblaster so forcefully that when pointed at a surface, gime and rust are quickly and efficiently removed. 


Using a 70-foot-long, state-of-the-art sandblasting and painting booth, Jarrett Fleet Services will sustainably reclaim and reuse sandblasting media. This booth allows for unparalleled coverage on your vehicle, ensuring that not a spot will go unnoticed. Your vehicle will leave looking as good as new. 


In conjunction with sandblasting, semi-truck painting plays a crucial role in preventative care. Painting protects the exposed materials and metal from the elements such as salt, rain and snow. Especially for those long haul trips, where a truck may be exposed to all sorts of weather conditions, professional painting will provide protection from the rust and grime that can quickly build up and deteriorate metal frames. Plus, who doesn’t love a fresh coat of paint to give your fleet that new and improved feeling? 


With over 20 years of fleet service maintenance, repair and service, Jarrett Fleet Service is your partner in providing the best solutions for your fleet. Ensuring that sandblasting and painting techniques are done efficiently and quickly, Jarrett Fleet Services give you more time to get your fleet on the road - getting your trucks where they need to be, all while saving you money in the long haul. 


Contact Jarrett Fleet Service today to get a quote for your fleet! 

Topics: Fleet


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