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Truck and trailer service in Kent, OH

                                  Semi-Trailer Repair in Kent, Ohio


Jarrett Fleet Services Kent, OH location provides superior trailer repair and maintenance services to keep your trailers on the road while in Northeast Ohio. 

When you need routine maintenance or 24-hour emergency roadside truck assistance and repair service on I-71, I-76, I-77, I-80, or I-271, call Jarrett Fleet Services.

24-Hour Emergency Roadside TRUCK ASSISTANCE, Service & Repair

521 Tallmadge Road | Kent, OH 44240


Call us anytime — whether it’s day, night, or the weekend — for 24-hour roadside assistance, service, and more!




Our Kent, OH Location Provides

  • Full Trailer Repair
  • Light Semi-Truck Repair
Semi-truck and trailer repair technician at Jarrett Fleet Services in Kent, Ohio




accepted payment methods

Visa credit card
COMcheck payments
EFS payments
ACH payment solutions
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Contact Us          

Contact Jarrett Fleet Services today for your semi-truck and trailer repair needs by filling out the form below. We are also available to discuss all our fleet maintenance and repair services and solutions.