Jarrett Newsroom

Employee Spotlight: Dawn Avey

Posted by Jarrett on Sep 23, 2019 1:36:00 PM


We are celebrating our 20th anniversary by highlighting our 20 most tenured employees!


Next up is Dawn Avey, Lead Logistics Coordinator, here at Jarrett. Read her answers below to find out more about Dawn and her experience at Jarrett throughout the years!





Describe your job in 20 words or less? 

 I lead a team of fun and awesome people in providing personal and professional service to our customer. 

Favorite memory at Jarrett so far? 

During a CRM trip one of my coworkers (BP) locked himself out on a third-floor balcony. When we found out we had to run around the building and take pictures. I still share the pictures and story to this day.

What is your favorite quote? 

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. -Wayne Dyer

What is your biggest goal right now?

To be the best mother I can be to my daughter. She is 12 going on 25!

Why did you decide to join and stay with Jarrett?

 I had just had a baby and wanted to work closer to home for a company that valued family.

Which employee perk does Jarrett offer that you enjoy the most? Why?

I like the wellness program. The money you earn by following healthy habits can be spent on wellness items of your choice.

Who has been a mentor for you here at Jarrett? How have they helped you? 

My boss, Bill Perry. We have worked closely together since I started. He has helped me to grow into an effective team lead.

What advice would you give to recent new hires?

There is a lot to learn but your team is there to help you. Rely on them!

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned in your time at Jarrett?

To believe in and stay true to myself.

How have you seen the organization and/or industry change over the course of time that you’ve been at Jarrett?

 I have liked seeing the growth of the company. We moved into a new building a few years ago and we are close to outgrowing it already.

How does your team provide value to Jarrett clients?

 We are Jarrett employees, but we truly do feel like we are an extension of our customer.

How has technology evolved in your time at Jarrett?

 jShip, our TMS, has really evolved. When I started there were quite a few manual processes that now only require the click of a button. These changes have allowed us to be more efficient.

How does Jarrett and their employees serve the community?

 I was able to help pack lunches at the Salvation Army for Orrville school students to take home over the weekend to ensure they have food. I am glad that we are given the opportunity to give back. 

How would you define Jarrett’s success?

 Well deserved. I believe the Jarrett’s have worked hard to make this company into what it is today. I am thankful and proud to be a part of their success.

What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?

Life goes too fast. Take the time to enjoy it and make sure to laugh often.

What was your favorite song when you were 20?

Don’t Cry -Guns N’ Roses.

What job did you have when you were 20?

Working for a garage door manufacturer.


We are grateful to have Dawn here at Jarrett. If you are interested in being a part of our team, visit our careers page.

For more Employee Spotlights, check out our blog


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