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Community Partners: Jarrett and The Salvation Army

Posted by Jarrett on Aug 16, 2019 2:20:24 PM

armyMike and Diane Jarrett, the founders of Jarrett, lead by example in all that they do. They consistently strive to understand the needs of employees and give back to the organization and their community whenever possible. Their excellent display of servant leadership makes Jarrett stronger as a whole because of the precedence that is set. Everyone at Jarrett has a mindset that revolves around giving back to others and living out the values that have been set in place.

There are eight core values that are interwoven into Jarrett that demonstrate our moral compass as a company. One of the core values that shapes Jarrett is Civic Responsibility. Jarrett believes in giving back to the community by donating time, talents, energy, and resources to meaningful causes within the community. Jarrett team members are encouraged to demonstrate Civic Responsibility within their communities by participating in independent and company organized community outreach programs throughout the year.

Jarrett’s Relationship with the Salvation Army

Jarrett has formed a year-round partnership with the Salvation Army to help make a difference within the surrounding communities of the Northeast Ohio region. The Salvation Army assists nearly 25 million Americans each year through financial, donation, and volunteer efforts. Throughout the years, Jarrett has been involved with new Salvation Army programs to make a difference in the community.

During the winter holiday season, Jarrett hosts a canned food drive for team members to participate in. This past December, Jarrett decided to host a friendly competition within each department with the hopes of increasing the number of donations. At the end of the food drive, Jarrett was able to provide The Salvation Army with more than 5,000 canned goods that would help to feed local families in need.

                 One program, in particular, that has hit home with many team members was helping to provide underprivileged children with meals. The Salvation Army noticed that there were students in the area that were going hungry over the weekend because the meals they received at school were the only ones they were eating. During the months of September through May, Jarrett team members have the opportunity to volunteer their lunch breaks to participate in packing bagged meals for students in the Orrville and Dalton areas with limited access to food over the weekends. Items such as instant macaroni and cheese, fruit snacks, and juice boxes make up these bagged meals that are sent to children in need. Nearly 150 bagged meals are packed and prepared each month by Jarrett team members.

Civic Responsibility Day, which was introduced in 2018, takes place in June. Jarrett’s 2019 intern class spent the day at the local Salvation Army cleaning the inside of the facility, organizing donations, and maintaining yard work. Since there are only two full-time employees at the local facility, completing all of the necessary housekeeping tasks can become a somewhat daunting project. With the help of 20 Jarrett interns, all of these tasks are able to be completed within a few hours.

As a result of Intern Civic Responsibility Day, the facility was in pristine shape and was ready to be utilized to serve community members. It is a privilege to be able to partner with an organization who makes such a significant impact on the community, and Jarrett feels it is important to show our appreciation. Civic Responsibility Day is a way to give back to the Salvation Army for allowing our company to volunteer with their organization.

“Because of their partnership throughout the year, including Civic Responsibility Day, food donations at Christmas, and staff volunteers that assemble weekend food packs for children at Orrville City and Dalton Local schools, the Salvation Army can continue to provide assistance and employment help to folks in need. We are grateful for their commitment to us and to the Orrville community”- Bethany Fuller, Executive Director at the Salvation Army.

Community Impact

Our employees are able to come together with the common purpose of serving the community, and in turn form stronger bonds with one another. The company culture at Jarrett is always positive because of the compassionate and empathetic people who work here.

“People at Jarrett are always willing to help one another. Outside of giving back to the community, they give back to each other by using their own time, resources, and talents.” – TJ Dalenberg, Lead HR Coordinator. The self-less mentality defines Jarrett as an organization.

It is one thing for a company to state their corporate values, but another to be able to actively display those values within the workplace. Civic Responsibility is just one of the values that has shaped Jarrett as a company, and there are numerous ways in which team members can demonstrate this within their communities. Participating in community outreach programs allows Jarrett to stay connected to the Orrville community and people in surrounding areas.


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