Supply Chain Cracks Under Pressure and Comes Unglued

Decorative Laminates Manufacturer Smooths Out its Supply Chain by Streamlining Logistics Processes and Enhancing Internal Communication 

ATI Decorative Laminates is a leader in decorative thermoplastic and metal laminates for commercial and residential use but had challenges with its previous 3PL. It struggled with accurate quoting of accessorials, which impacted the freight bill auditing process, and its supply chain tasks and responsibilities were distributed across several departments.

Download the case study to learn how Jarrett:

  • Evaluated its supply chain and identified opportunities for improvement
  • Designed a freight management program that provided increased responsiveness
  • Provided accurate freight quotes and total shipment visibility
  • Tracked shipments in transit and audited allocated costs for accuracy

There are opportunities for improvement in your supply chain, but it takes a logistics expert to find them.

Download the case study and learn how Jarrett helped ATI Decorative Laminates, and how we can help your business increase visibility to your supply chain and increase efficiency.


If you need additional guidance or you’re ready to discuss how Jarrett can simplify your freight processes and make you and your employees’ jobs easier and more efficient, contact us.


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