Jarrett Newsroom


Posted by Jarrett on Jun 11, 2020 3:45:37 PM

Jesse S ES WEbsite-04

At Jarrett, the difference is OUR PEOPLE. Our employees are the foundation of our award-winning workplace culture and excellent customer service. We are proud to have these people as a part of our Logistics, Warehousing and Fleet Services team.


We'd like to introduce you to Jesse Sansom, Marketing Analyst for Jarrett. Read his answers to the questions below to find out more about Jesse!


1. How long have you been at Jarrett?

Over four years!

2. What is the best part of working in your department?

My team! My coworkers have truly become my friends, and I enjoy working with all of them. And I definitely love all of our carry-in lunches, especially anything Mel Nussbaum bakes!

3. Favorite memory at Jarrett so far?

Baking Oreo™ fudge and peanut butter fudge for Christmas and taking some in for my coworkers! I got my family involved in making the fudge which was a ton of fun and it was a great opportunity to surprise my coworkers with one of my favorite holiday treats!

4. What is your favorite quote?

Fear is a choice. I chose not to fear cancer. We’re gonna fight it and we’re gonna beat this thing!” ~James Conner, Pitt running back (now with the Steelers) after being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

5. Which employee perk that Jarrett offers do you enjoy the most? Why?

The Wellness Program. I’ve used the money I’ve gotten over the years to get some running shoes, and an exercise bike. 

6. Who has been a mentor for you here at Jarrett? How have they helped you?

Matt Wagner and Joe Buss. Matt has led our department, and has taught me more than I ever thought I would learn about the logistics industry and it has been great working for someone who appreciates reports as much as I do! Joe is a Microsoft Excel Expert, and has taught me his ways in Excel wizardry!

7. What would you name the autobiography of your life?

The Man Who Absolutely Never Said Anything Sarcastic: A 100% Completely Honest, Incredibly Serious Look at the Life of Jesse Sansom.

8. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

I would say either to coach football or play hockey!

9. How is Jarrett “different”? (Compared to other company cultures you may have experienced)

The health and well-being of employees is one of the biggest focus points of the culture here at Jarrett.

10. How is Jarrett “different”? (Compared to other competitive, similar logistics services)

Jarrett comes alongside clients and treats their clients like a true partnership. Our customer account teams genuinely care about their clients’ business.

11. Share a time you felt valued or appreciated by someone at Jarrett or by a customer.

When some of my coworkers on the Marketing Team had lunch delivered to my apartment to celebrate my work anniversary while we were all working from home!


We are grateful to have Jesse here at Jarrett. If you are interested in being a part of our team, visit our careers page.

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