Employee Spotlights

Employee Spotlight: Bill Perry

Written by Jarrett | Sep 9, 2019 6:31:29 PM

We are celebrating our 20th anniversary by highlighting our 20 most tenured employees!


Next up is Bill Perry, Senior Manager, Logistics Operations, here at Jarrett. Read his answers below to find out more about Bill and his experience at Jarrett throughout the years!





Describe your job in 20 words or less? 

Problem Solver.

Favorite memory at Jarrett so far? 

Protein day. Mike was competing in a national weightlifting competition so Diane had buttons    made for everyone that we wore and we all stopped in his office randomly throughout the day to drop off protein bars to him.

What is your favorite quote? 

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke

What is your biggest goal right now?

To turn my teen boys into good men.

Which employee perk does Jarrett offer that you enjoy the most? Why?

 401K Matching. It is very generous of Mike to match funds for our retirement.

Who has been a mentor for you here at Jarrett? How have they helped you? 

Mike Jarrett and Matt Tarutani. Great example setters and they are easy to talk to. They will         offer advice but also let you manage.

What advice would you give to recent new hires?

Diligence and hard work is noticed even if it is not spoken about. 

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned in your time at Jarrett?

How to communicate better and not let my frustration with a situation affect I how I treat             people.

How have you seen the organization and/or industry change over the course of time that you’ve been at Jarrett?

There are market flows that we cannot affect but we can affect how we serve the customer. So   when markets change we need to rely on relationships created to change our service offering in        a way that benefits the customer.

How does your team provide value to Jarrett clients?

Time is valuable and information is valuable. When we take duties/tasks from the customer and we provide them key information to make decisions, it is valuable to them.

How has technology evolved in your time at Jarrett?

Wow, I could go on for days about this. There was not auto-rate so we often memorized carrier discounts for volume lanes so it sped up the process.

How has the client experience changed?

We can give them information much quicker. Through Advanced Analytics as well as auto-rate    we have much quicker access to information that helps our customers make decisions.

What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?

Stop being so critical of yourself.

What was your favorite song when you were 20?

Another One Bites the Dust

What job did you have when you were 20?

Manager at Swenson’s.


We are grateful to have Bill here at Jarrett. If you are interested in being a part of our team, visit our careers page.

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