Jarrett Newsroom

Employee Spotlight: Connie Nussbaum

Posted by Jarrett on Nov 4, 2019 5:00:00 PM


We are celebrating our 20th anniversary by highlighting our 20 most tenured employees!


Next up is Connie Nussbaum, Administrative Coordinator, here at Jarrett. Read her answers below to find out more about Connie and her experience at Jarrett throughout the years!


Describe your job in 20 words or less? 

I’ve just transferred to the reception desk at 1444 N. Main St and assigned new tasks.  I’ve been blessed that I have had the opportunity to be able to help any team in the last nearly 8 years  from auditors, accounting, coordinators, sales and marketing and Jarrett Truckload Services at           Jarrett.

Favorite memory at Jarrett so far? 

Working in the same office with my daughter: we carpooled and got to share some time                 together.

What is your favorite quote? 

I have two I can think of:

"The expert in anything was once a beginner."

"Kindness is FREE.  Sprinkle that stuff everywhere."  

What is your biggest goal right now?

In each stage of our lives the goals change.  Now that my children are adults and I have   grandchildren my family is and has always been very important.  My goal is to help raise the             grandchildren to be Godly and productive citizens in society, to believe in themselves no matter        what, and accept and conquer the challenges that face us in our lives and to never give up.  I hope I can encourage and set that example for them. 

Why did you decide to join and stay with Jarrett?

I joined Jarrett because my daughter Andrea worked here and suggested I apply. I’ve stayed with the company because I really love the employees here.  Positive values, compassion and          understanding that are shared to each person and customer are rare in a lot of businesses but is    respected at Jarrett.

Which employee perk does Jarrett offer that you enjoy the most? Why?

Everyone loves food and a lot of us look forward to the summer food truck.

What advice would you give to recent new hires?

Nothing in life is perfect, don’t worry and fret over the little things and everyone learns at a          different pace.  Learning something new each day is rewarding and a gift.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned in your time at Jarrett?

Nothing stays the same, a job is like your life, and it is always changing.

How have you seen the organization and/or industry change over the course of time that you’ve been at Jarrett?

We’ve grown so much in the last 8 years. We’ve added so many more talented people to each    department and have improved in how we handle our jobs to get it done faster and more       efficient.

How does your team provide value to Jarrett clients?

We provide the additional support to everyone here.  We help our co-workers out so they can do their best job for our clients.

How has technology evolved in your time at Jarrett?

We’ve improved our technology so much at Jarrett.  Our software and system has improved         with options available that make it more user friendly and faster.  We can use that technology              now for training, reports that are set up to run without manually doing them, and entering and     paying freight bills. 

How does Jarrett and their employees serve the community?

Jarrett and the employees have always had a commitment to support local community organizations such as;

Each Christmas the employees participate in sponsoring children from WCCS, canned food drive for the Salvation Army and donating coats for Coats for Kids are just some examples of how we serve our community.

How would you define Jarrett’s success?

I would define the success at Jarrett as everyone gives more than what is expected of them.         There is a commitment from our dedicated employees to our clients that go above and beyond.

How has the client experience changed?

How we have been able to change the way we audit and pay the invoices to the carriers. 

What do you envision Jarrett looking like in the next 20 years?

It has tripled with the last nearly 8 years with the customers and employees since I started so I can only imagine the size of Jarrett in 20 years.

What lessons have you learned in the past 20 years that will impact the next 20?

Change is happening every minute of your life and sometimes it’s not exactly what we had in       mind.  It is the attitude and willingness to learn to live with it that helps and to know that God           has a reason for it. Doesn’t matter what lesson I’ve learned (and at my age I’ve had a lot that I            learned), I hope it will help me to become a better person both professionally and personally.

What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?

Sometimes it’s the will not the skill that makes you succeed.

What was your favorite song when you were 20?

I don’t know about favorite song from “way” back then but I loved The Eagles, Bee Gees and        Olivia Newton-John.

What job did you have when you were 20?

I worked at a local business in Dalton and then quit to help out at home as we were getting our   farm started.



We are grateful to have Connie here at Jarrett. If you are interested in being a part of our team, visit our careers page.

For more Employee Spotlights, check out our blog


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